Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sesame Chicken in Acorn Squash

The last time I made this meal my daughter was 3 years old.  She didn't like it.  She wouldn't eat it.  So today, after 13 years (yes, she is 16 now) I made it again and guess what?  She liked it!  She ate it!

Yippee.  Widening of the palate, I feel, is inevitable.  Young children have very sensitive taste buds and some things are just repulsive to them.  As they grow so does their tolerance for foods with stronger flavours as well as those with different flavours.  That is what I am observing in my daughter, though my daughter loves food and cooking so she is naturally inclined toward trying new things, now that she is into that.

Here is the recipe if you want to try it.  It was good and really healthy.  Sesame Chicken in Acorn Squash

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cereal Bar

My daughter is not a big fan of  cereal.  It's too boring.  So I came up with a new and interesting way to serve it to her.  I made a Cereal Bar.

I included three kinds of cereal:  puffed wheat, multi-grain Cheerios and Wheatabix.  I also offered three sweeteners:  brown sugar, sugar and honey.  And of course three toppings:  pineapple chunks, banana and Greek-style yogurt.  I would suggest offering several types of milk also.  For instance:  Almond milk, soy milk, and cows milk.  I also gave two choices of bowls:  a deep one and a shallow one.

This was a simple breakfast for my family, but it could easily be made into something more formal for special occasions, sleep-overs or company.


Friday, November 9, 2012

What it's all about....

For us, this time of year is Royal Agricultural Winter Fair time:
one of our favourite times of the year.
The fair this year  was filled with wonderful stuff;  there's something for everyone.
 horses, beer and cheese tasting, horse shows, chef competitions,
giant vegetables and...
fuzzy feet galore...
like these clydesdale feet.....
...and these fabulous pigeon feet.
But for me, it's all about something else.
For me, it's all about this smile.