Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Lunch: Mmmmm....Brain Soup Tastes Good!

Mmmmm, Brain Soup, Snakes in the Grass and Blood Punch with Fingers~~yummy!
I must say, the Brain Soup was my "brain-child."  I had purchased a beautiful cauliflower at my local farmer's market a while ago, and thought this was the perfect opportunity to use it before it went bad.  It's an amazing thing though, because I bought that cauliflower quite some time ago, and it was still beautiful and fresh.  This is a plug for buying local, fresh produce.  It is undoubtedly THE BEST! 
I used a fairly generic recipe (here's the link: Cauliflower Soup Recipe ) and added some cheese and seasonings, and left some chunks to simulate actual brains.
Snakes in the Grass was really fun to make, and really hard to eat.   The snakes were really cute.
I just used Greek olives (cause that's what I had) for one part of the eye and red pepper for the centre part and for the tongue and stuck it all on with sour cream.  I made the breadsticks special as I was making bread that day anyhow.   I cut up lettuce to look like grass and voila!  Snakes in the Grass  This is the link.
My daughter came up with Blood Punch on her own.  It was really good...but I added a little surprise when she wasn't looking...a severed finger!

(gummy worm)
It was a fun Halloween lunch and really fun to make. 


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Corn Maze and Pumpkin Farm

The first part of Hurricane Sandy brought lots of rain, rain, rain... what did we do?  We went to a farm and walked the huge corn maze, gazed at the piggies and picked what seemed like the last pumpkin in the field.....and we loved it. What an adventure to trudge around in the corn maze in our rubber boots, our umbrellas like halos above our heads. 
We were the only one's there; besides the pigs.

It was a fun time.  We found a perfect pumpkin, got some exercise
and made some lasting memories.  

This is my first blog post in a long time and it was really hard to write.
 I find myself wondering.  Why!  Why am I writing this?  Is it for me.  For some unknown person?  For God?  The only conclusion I can come to is that it is not for anyone or anything.  It just is.  That is how it is intended.  Perhaps some day I will have something to teach, contribute and add to the fabric of the world wide web, but for now this is my humble contribution.  A simple post about a simple pleasure:  running around in the rain with my 16 year old daughter, then listening the the pigs grunt and getting all muddy carrying the pumpkin. 

 Good clean fun. It's that simple