Priming new drywall:
- use a good quality primer specially made to cover new drywall, otherwise, your new drywall will suck up the ordinary primer and you will end up using twice as much. Luckily, I did not have learn this the hard way, I learned it from a helpful salesperson in the paint department at Home Depot.
Hiring contractors:
- Don't choose the contractor with the cheapest quote--usually you are not getting a deal. Get the estimate and all promises of work quality and materials in writing. Make sure you hire a reputable contractor who has references which you check. Keep an eye on the work while it is being done, no matter how awkward you feel. Be careful that your contractor isn't hiring another contractor to do part of the work. It will be hard to decide who is responsible when the work is not done properly. These things I learned the hard way. I find myself saying "I wish I had done this differently" or "if I only had it to do over again" you get the idea.
To finish the room I still need to install quarter round at the ceiling to fill the gap, and baseboards at the floor, to cover the gap and to cover where there are screws that are not covered and some globs of mud.
One of their guys offered to do this work for me.....for another $175 plus materials.
Ah well, live and learn.